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About: This assignment had us choose a multivariate dataset with which we could learn D3 by creating an interactive choropleth map and a linked visualization. The datasets I used came from a USGS study that was published in 1999-2000. This map and parallel coordinate plot visualize this dataset in geographic, as well as attribute, space and allow you to expolore the vulnerability to future sea level rise of each state along the US Atlantic and Gulf coasts. You can change the attribute being displayed in the dropdown menu and add filters on any variable by clicking and dragging vertically on the parallel coordinate plot. The shapefiles and attribute data for each individual state can also be downloaded by clicking the export button.
Process: This project required a lot of data preprocessing. The datasets for each coast had to be combined, and then a state identifier had to be assigned to each segment of coastline using SQL queries in ArcGIS. Once the data was converted from shapefile to topojson, I used D3 and JavaScript to create the map, the linked parallel coordinate plot and the other elements on the webpage. Static styling was done in CSS and dynamic styling was done with D3 and JavaScript.
Completed April 2016