The goal of this project was to create a Python GUI that would allow a user to explore the relationship between nitrate levels in drinking water and cancer occurrence in adults in Wisconsin.
Project Report
I created the GUI using the tKinter Python package. I performed all the spatial and regression analysis using open source Python libraries, such as GDAL, shapely, pandas, geopandas, geoplot, and matplotlib.
When the app loads, a map of Wisconsin appears showing the locations of wells where nitrate samples were taken and a choropleth of cancer rates in adults by census tract. A user can choose a k-value for the spatial interpolation that creates a raster from the well nitrate point data, and then enter a hex size in square kilometers to determine the size of the hexbins for the output layer that shows the results of the regression analysis performed between nitrate levels and cancer rates. After a user runs the analysis, the hexbin layer displays on the map, and several regression statistics display on the sidebar on the left of the GUI. A user has the ability to save the output shapefile and regression statistics (as a csv) to a location on their computer.
Completed October 2020